Cost |
Ships from warehouse in: |
Delivered in: |
Standard Shipping |
By Weight |
3-5 business days |
2-5 business days after date shipped |
Priority Shipping |
By Weight |
1-2 business days |
2-3 business days after date shipped |
International Shipping |
By Weight |
3-5 business days |
10-21 business days after date shipped |
*This timeline is an estimate only and not guaranteed. On rare occasions, orders will ship or be delivered outside this timeframe.
We ship all orders from our fulfilment center located in San Diego, California.
Orders cannot be modified or cancelled once they have been submitted. However, unwanted items can be returned for a refund once received. For more return information, please refer to our returns policy below.
Chilly Child is not responsible for package deliveries affected by an invalid or old address provided by the customer, natural occurrences, air and ground transportation delays or strikes, customs, or transfers from our U.S. carrier to the local carrier in the destination country.
Order Status
You will receive a shipping confirmation email with a tracking number once your order ships. The tracking number for orders within the U.S. will include an estimated delivery day.
If you're missing items or shipments or if you have any concerns about the products you received, contact us within 7 days of the delivery date. Please make certain to ship to a secure location as we will not process refunds or re-ship orders once the tracking shows delivery confirmation.